Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fort Ord, Calif. July 28, 1942

Dearest Mom, Dad, & All,

I received your letter this morning.  Thanks for the pictures.  They were swell.  If you only knew how I wish I was back home when I looked at them.  I guess I will never get over being homesick.  I will be until I get back home or you come down here.  I can only hope you come down here.

The trunk came today Mom so you can quite worrying about that.  I was kind of wondering about it myself.  But it is here and all O.K.

I am offically a Sgt. now folks so you can address me as Sgt. Woltring.  Don't ever let it be said that the Woltring boys can't get ahead in the Army.  It might take time but we will make it.  We are getting about $100.00 now.

That was pretty funny about Dad not putting a stamp on the letter, and Frank putting one on.  Say Mom did you ever get your jigger with the 3 stars on it?  I sent it from Handford some time ago.  But you didn't say whether you got it or not. am sure you are proud of it, if it is in your window.  You Mom and Dad have sure done your share towards this war.  Those boys in the army.  And we will all come home after the war too.  You just see if we don't.  I have a feeling we will all be together again.  And when I have a feeling, I have a feeling.

I sent those pictures of Ginger away to L.A. to be developed but they haven't come back yet.  It is a lot cheaper, but it takes longer to get.  But I am sure grateful for the ones you sent me.  Mae looks good too. 

How are your legs now Mom?  I sure hope they are all right.  You never say if they are or are not and I often wonder about them.

Little Sandy sure gained didn't she?  I am sure glad about that.  Ginger is gaining like everything also.  Which is another thing I am grateful for. 

I guess Ginger has red hair now.  According to what Georgia says.  I sure hope it has red hair when I see it this weekend.

Pardon the scribbling but the lights are about to go out so I will have to close.  Will write again when Georgia and Ginger get here.

I will have to close for this time & address this so called letter.  I am always glad to hear from home.  I am glad Dad is going to built the house.  I don't think he will have to worry about when he comes down here and don't worry about Ben he will be all right.

                              All my love
                              Your son and brother
                              Rex   xxxxxxxxxx
                              Write soon

Fort Ord Calif. July 23, 1942

Dearest Mom, Dad, & All,

Received your most welcome letter last Sat. afternoon.  But haven't had a chance to answer it because I have been in Pacific Grove cleaning up the house I rented.  Washing woodwork etc.  It has 2 bedrooms, kitchen, front room, & bath.  Completely furnished.  It is a stucco building and pretty cute.  It has flowers all around the place.  A big back yard with plenty of clothes line.  It also has a folding couch in the living room so we have plenty of beds.  Weise and his wife Ruth are going to live with us.  They have been cleaning it up also.  It was already clean enough but we thought the woodwork needed washing.  The address is 687 Laurel Ave. Pacific Grove.  So send the next check there mom.  The rent is $30.00 a month.  But that will only be $15.00 a piece.  Weise is the kid I use to pick up in Seattle all the time.  His wife and Georgia get along swell.  They were living in Monterey.  They only had one room and a community kitchen for $26.00 a month.  Pretty high eh.  I found the place last Sunday.  They payed $10.00 on the rent and are moving in tomorrow.  The places are pretty scarce around here with all the soldiers at the fort.

I got the key Mom, thanks.  You don't have to worry about us leaving.  Not for some time anyway.  We are down here to protect the coast and we can do it too.  I will send you the money it cost you to send the trunk down payday.  The trunk aught to be here any day now.  I sure hope it gets here before Georgia comes over.  She says Ginger gets cuter every day.  I haven't seen them since pay day.  But only a little over a week and they will be here.  Dad and Mom Scales are going to bring her over here.  It is so cool here, and so darned hot over there where they are.  In fact it is cold again today.  I am sitting here writing this with my jacket on.

Good news folks I was just told that I am now a Sgt. but don't put it on my letters until I get my warrant.  Sgt. pay is $75.00.  I get $4.00 extra for having 3 years in, and $18.00 extra on account of the allotment to Georgia.  They only take $22 out of my pay and she gets $40.00.  That is because it has always been $40.00.  So I think we will clear about $90.00 a month.  So I guess we can get along and eat good also.  Ginger is on Carnation and Karo syrup formula.  I am going to buy the milk by the case.  It is cheaper that way.  We are going to get our groceries at the commissary at the Presido of Monterey.  They are a lot cheaper there.

November is a swell time to come down mom.  We will have $110 extra that month.We aught to have quiet a time.  I will get a pass and we can go to Long Beach and L.A. & Hollywood.  I am sure Dad would be crazy about L.A.  Georgia hasn't been there either.  If you came down Mom I want you to stay for a long time.  Maybe for the duration.  Why not?  By the time you visited all the people you want to see the war will be over.

So you call the baby Sandy.  I like that name.  It is really cute.  So you think the baby looks like George.  I'll bet she is cute.  Tell Mae hello for me.  I am looking forward to the time when I will get to see her.  I'll bet they almost look alike.  The two babys I mean.  Ginger has long legs and arms just like me.  I haven't had a chance to have those pictures of Ginger developed yet.  But will soon as I can.  If they turn out I will send you a full set of them.

After the first of the month send all the letters to the house.  687 Laurel  don't forget that.

I don't think I will be needing my civilian clothes for some time.  I won't wear any until the was is over.

I might pick up some kind of a jollopy to go back and forth in.  It is only 8 miles but we have to be up at 5:30 every morning to play Reveille. 

Well folks I will close now.  Hoping you are all well by now, & Frank and Jerry over the flu.  Take care of yourself Mom.  I still want the same wonderful Mom that I had before, after this is over.  That goes for you also Dad.

I got an awful swell letter from Georgia today.  10 pages on both sides.  Almost a book.  I can't think of that much to write about.

                                Write soon
                                 Lots of love
                                 Your Buck Sgt. son
                                 Rex                          Give Judy and                                                                  family a kiss
                                                                 for their Uncle Rex
                                                                 will you Mom?  xo

I hope your legs are better Mom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fort Ord, Cal. May 9, 1942

Fort Ord, Cal. 
May 9, 1942

My Dearest Toby,
       Hi honey.  How are you today?  Fine I hope.  Do you feel any better since I was home?  I sure do.  Gosh it was swell honey.  Everyone was so swell to me.  And me just a nobody.  haha  I had a swell time honey.  If you only knew how much I looked forward to that moment when you walked into the bedroom, when I was laying on the bed.  Gosh honey but you sure looked good.  I was very glad to see you looking so swell.  As for Pearl I think she is tops.  Gosh but she is a lot of fun.  Tell her so will you honey.  From her letters I kind of figured she was pretty nice.
     And I want you to know that your mother is swell also.  But you knew that already.  I didn't get to see much of your Dad before but I did this time and I am telling you I don't blame you for saying that you and your Dad get along swell.  Because he is a swell Dad.  I am very glad to have him for a father-in-law.  Tell my little girl Mary Lee  (Pearl's daughter) that next to you she is my best girl.  Are you worried honey?
    I was back in plenty of time for the dance.  I got cleaned
up and had to drive the band truck with the fellows in down to the Officer's Club and back.  I will have to drive for all the dances.  I don't mind though.  In fact I kind of like it.  I have those pictures being developed.  The ones that are good I will have enlarged, and send them to you.  I sure hope they are good.
     Gosh sweetheart I love you.  I am sure our baby will be a beautiful baby.  I don't care if it has your chin.  I love your chin.  I hope it looks exactly like you.  Your and the baby are the most important things in the world right now.  Of course winning this war is pretty important right now.  But I love you and only you honey.  But I don't love war.  Night honey, I will write some more tomorrow.
                                 All my love,
                                        Rex xxx 

Hi again Honey!
     Here it is Mother's Day.  I am thinking about our mothers right now.  We owe them so much and can give them so little.  I know mom must be lonesome today.  All her boys but one gone.  Only Frank there.  O hope Ned got home today if he didn't I hope he wrote or something.  (Ned is mom's brother)  We played again last night at the Officer's Club and again this afternoon at the Service Club.  So we are right back at it again.
     Well honey I want to write to Mom also so I must close.  Say honey did tell me what I said up at Luke Stevens that time.  How about it?
     Darling don't be surprised if I come walking in next weekend.  If we don't have to play.  I have enough money.
I love you Toby.
                                          All my love,
                                               Rex.  xxxxxoooooo

June, King City, Cal.

A.P.O. No. 3
King City, Cal.

Dearest Mom, Dad, and All,
     I received you letter a couple of days ago, but have been on guard.  They came in today from fighting, over Sunday.  They will go at it again Monday.
     I was glad you had such a nice time Decoration Day.  That was when I was in Hanford.  So you never saw Deception Pass before?  It would sure make this place look sick.
     I suppose you wonder why you haven't received any money yet.  Pay day was on the 4th. and they only had two postal clerks in a tent.  I couldn't get within a mile of the place, and I won't send it in cash.  I will wait until I get to town again.  Explain to Mr. Elzea will you?  We mail our letters right here at our own outfit but the post office is in King City.  I have only been away from Camp once since I came here.  But just as soon as soon as they are through fighting they are going to get a week off.  I will probably go to Hanford or I might to to L.A. for a couple of days.  I have forgotten Aunt Ohe's address mom won't you please send it to me?  They are having special rates for soldiers on the bus, it is only $3.25 round trip to L.A.  So tell the Goodrich Company I will pay them mext month.  If I send you the money for them, I wouldn't be able to go see Aunt Ohe, and I want to before she dies.  It is worth more than that to me.  But I will send you $15 for Mr. Elzea.
     Are Dad and all the boys growing beards for the festival?  Gee!  What I wouldn't give to be home on Strawberry Festival day.  This is the first one I have ever missed.  I sure miss all of you folks, and my car etc.
I am use to getting out of camp once in a while but we can't leave for town.  
     I will close for now hoping to hear from you soon.   
                              All my love to all

PS  Oh yea I had Lucy Skotdol Weygant's address from Vince but I lost it.  I will have to wait until I see him again.  How is Judy?

King City, Cal. May 25, 1941

King City, Cal
May 25, 1941

Dearest Folks,
     We just arrived today.  We are in a worse place than Camp Ord.  We sure had a heck of a trip.  We had to get up at 2:30 A.M. every morning and I had to drive all day, then we had a concert every night in what ever town we were in and never got to bed before 10:30 or 11:00.  So right now I am pretty tired.  I am writing this by lamp light and they are going to turn them out in about 3 minutes.  I didn't realize what time it was.  Any way we don't have breakfast until 7:15 tomorrow.  I will finish this tomorrow.
     5/26/41  Here I am back again.  Right now it is hotter than blue blazes.
     I am sorry that I didn't write before but we didn't have time for anything.
     We are 22 miles from King City.  Right up the hills, where the sun gives until it hurts.
     How is everyone at home?  I hope everything is fine.  Has George done anything on my car yet?
     I received a letter from Georgia yesterday.  She said she didn't like California at all.  She also said that she was going back to Washington, probably soon.  They are going to the ocean some Sat. and come back Sunday.  They are going to stop and pick me up.  I am going to try and see them next Sunday.  That is if we don't  have to play a concert.  We have played one every night since we left.
     Will close for now, hoping to hear from you all soon.
                                                 Love to all,
     Don't forget the address
     A.P.O. No. 3
     King City, Cal.

Fort Lewis Feb. 10, 1941

                            Frank, Ben, George, Rex

Fort Lewis, Wa
Feb. 10, 1941

Dearest Mom,
     I was back at the Fort at 12:00 o'clock  midnight.  Right after Hal left me off an officer from Camp Murry picked me up and took me right to the barracks.
     How is my car coming along?  Has George done anything on it yet?  I hope so.
     I hope you feel o.k. now mom because your health means more to me than anything else in the world.
     My cold is better now.  I think it will be over by Sat.  I hope.
     I will sign off for now mom, because I have to write to Georgia.
                                    Love to everyone

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fort Lewis, Wa. Jan. 21, 1941

Fort Lewis, Wa.
Jan 21, 1941

Dear Mom, Dad, and All,   
     We're back safe and sound as usual.
      I don't think I will be home next weekend, because we have a concert at the theater next Sunday.  When duty calls you can't leave.
     Someone go over and get Georgia please, Sat. night.
     Hoping this finds everyone well & happy.
                 Your loving son, and brother,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fort Lewis, Wa. May 23, 1940

Fort Lewis, Wa.
May 23, 1940

Dear Folks,
     I arrived at my destination at 12 PM midnight May 22.  I didn't have any trouble coming back, and my cold is much better.  Of course I still bark around a little but that is to be allowed.
     I didn't get a chance to write yesterday because we were so busy.  I don't know if you will get this before I get home Sat. or not but I think so.
     Gosh mom you don't know how swell it was to be home again.  Washington is sure my state.
     I will close because I want to mail this.  See you Sat.
                                 Love to all,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Camp Ord, Cal. May 11, 1940

Camp Ord
May 11, 1940

Dearest Mom, Dad, and All,
     I received your letter a few minutes ago.  Was I glad to get it, but was kind of disappointed because I am not an uncle yet.  But I guess that can't be helped. 
     Ray and I went to Sacramento as you probably already know.  We both sent cards home from Teds and Veras.  We had an awful lot of fun while there.  We took a lot of pictures of the Capitol and Sutters Fort.  I hope we get them back soon.  On the way back our first stop is going to be Sacramento, so we will see them again.
     We go back to the 10th F.O. the 14th and leave here the morning of the 16th.  The Fifteenth Infantry leaves the 15th.  Just a few more days now and we will be home.  I guess there isn't any use of you folks writing again, because we will be home before the letter gets here.
     You didn't say why Ben and Helen moved to Everett.  To be closer to the job or what? 
     Hal sure spent a lot of money on my car.  Thanks.  When we get back Ray and I are bound and determined to get another body for my car.  George said it isn't worth it but we are going to do it anyway.  I would like to get a four door body for it.  If George and Hal would look around maybe they could find one, and have him save it until pay day.  Then I could get it.
     Have George and Hal get Margaret next Sunday if you can't go over. Please??
     I will close now as Ray will write some.  Hoping this finds everyone well.
                                                         Love Rex.
                                                          See you soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Camp Ord, Cal. March 15, 1940

Camp Ord, Cal.
March 15, 1940

Dearest Mom, Dad, Jerry, Helen, Frank, Ben, and Geo.
     I guess that includes everybody.  I received your letter the other day, and will try to answer it now.  There isn't any lights in the tent tonight, every night the lights go out in the band now.  Nobody seems to know what causes it.  I am trying to write this by candle light as you can probably tell by the writing.
     We just got through playing a concert at the theater.  We played two performances tonight.
     The lights just came back on but I don't know how long they will stay on.
     How do you like your new home, Frank and Jerry?  I hope you like it swell.  I am sure it is a better place.
     Say mom, have you seen Dan Parker lately?  I wonder if I just wrote to him Rt. 1, if it would get to him.  I will write tonight and if I get it back I do, thats all.
     Schmanch and Kath will write some also if they don't forget.  They said they wanted to.
     How is your house coming Dad?  Is Geo. and Hal sill helping you?  The place will sure look different when I come back.  All the trees will be in bloom, it will sure seem funny.  This is the first time in my life that I have spent the winter out of Washington.  Spring is almost here but it seems like summer to me.  The days are hot and the nights are cold as Washington ever gets.  But I can hardly wait to get back.  After all this isn't the best place in the world to live.  
     Mom how are your legs?  You never tell me anything about yourself.
     So Ben only weighs 169 gosh but he has fallen off. I am gaining weight by leaps and bounds.  I weigh 179 now.  Lord only knows how much I will weigh when we get back.  I don't show much muscle mostly fat, I can hardly get my pants on anymore.  I will assure you that you can't see my backbone anymore.  But what do I care if it is fat or not.  After all weight is weight to me regardless to what it is fat or muscle. How about it.
     Well I have just about said all the news, I will let Schmanch and Kath say the rest.
     Hoping this finds everybody well.
                                                        Love to all,
p.s.  Say hello to Hal for me
p,s,s, Everyone write please.  George is your arm broke?

This is written by his friend

Hello everyone,
     I told Rex I'd write you a note in his letter and so here tis.  Mom I don't know if Rex told you but I let him read a letter from an ole girl friend of mine and now he is trying to act cupid and wants to know which of the three girls that write to me that I'm going to marry he doesn't seem to care as long as it is someone.  So I guess I'll just about have to humor him in order to get along but it's lots of fun keeping him curious.  By the way we had another swell rain today and mud is miserable.  Dog-gone it I don't know anything to write you folks of interest except it might be fun to know that it won't be as long as it has been till we'll be back in Ft. Lewis cause the time seems to be passing faster now that we have a job everyday and most every nite including Sunday.  Speaking of Sunday Rex and I have decided to go to the church Sunday don't you think.  Well mom I got a letter from Mother in Ky. and I hear she has been pretty sick for quite a while but didn't tell me cause she was afraid I'd worry and is better now.  Gosh I sure hope so and maybe in July I'll go see her (I hope).  Well it's good nite for now.  So sweet dreams to all and may your happiness continue.

                                              Your friend,

This is written by another friend, Ray.

Dear Mom and All,
     Rex is waiting to mail this letter and thought I would put in my say so--  Give my love to everyone there at Marysville.  I sure hope they are in the best of health.
     I'm making a belt of string now and I am almost finished and am starting a new one as soon as I can.  Rex is coming along fine.
     Well Mom and all, I will close now and hope to hear from you in Rex's letter.

                                  Love to all,

Camp Ord, Cal. Jan 31, 1940

Camp Ord, Cal.
Jan. 31, 1940

Dearest Mom,
     Here is the $11.00 for the payment on the furniture and at Wards.  I hope it doesn't take to long before you get it.  
      The weather here has been pretty swell the last few days, although it did rain a little bit today.
     Since we came into Camp Ord the band has moved three times.  Now I hope we are settled at last.  Every time we had to fix up around the tent.  We had to get a rake and shovel and level off the ground, and dig ditches so the water will run off.  We have done everything but plant lawns in.  But the band has the neatest looking tents on the post, and General Sweeney told us so.  The more (unreadable word) the band gets, the better off we are going to be.  But we haven't gotten over our moving jag since we left Fort Lewis.
   There has been a lot of soldiers going over the hill already.  But when we go back to Washington they won't find any one in the band missing.  General Sweeney says he expects about 1/3 of the 3rd. Division will be over the hill before we get back.  But he said he had great confidence in the band.  He said he would be willing to bet anyone that there wouldn't be any of the band leave.  I thought that was quite a compliment, don't you?  I guess he just wanted to pep us up a little.
     Maybe I told you this before.  The band plays two concerts a week at the theater, and we get to see all the shows free.  All we have to do is wear one of our pins (Band pins) and walk right in.  We don't even have to stand in line.  So don't wonder why any of you aren't going over the hill.  We are sure privileged characters around here.  Pretty swell eh, mom?  Although I do miss home and Margart a heck of a lot I will make the best of it.
     Well I have told you just about all the news so I will close.  Tell everyone hello and also tell them to write.  Tell Uncle Lester and Aunt Iva hello, also Uncle Charlie and Aunt Ollie, if you see them.  How is Jerry getting along?  I wouldn't want anything to happen so I wouldn't get to be an uncle when I come back.  I am looking forward to that.
     I will close mom hoping you and the rest of the family are feeling well.

                             With love to everyone.
                                       Rex XXXXXX

Fort Lewis, Wa. Oct. 15, 1939

Fort Lewis Wa.
Oct. 15, 1939

Dearest Mom, Dad, and All,
     I hope Ben got home o.k.  He was picked up on the Fort for having my car on the post.  I hope he got to leave all right.  The M.P.s called me up and asked me if I had a brother with the initials G.W. Woltring.  I told him no, but that I did have one with the initials G.J.W.  He asked me what they stood for.  I told him George Joseph Woltring.  He asked me if my brother had my car.  I told him yes he came out to see me this afternoon.  He said that was all.  I didn't tell him a lie, and I didn't tell him which brother came to see me so he didn't learn much from me.
    I didn't know that my car was supposed to be kept off the post.  I knew I wasn't supposed to keep it here but I thought it would be alright for Ben to bring it on the post.  I hope I don't get 7 K.P.'s for it.
     There is no more 10th. F.A. Band.  The Fifteenth Infantry Band and ours are all one to make the 3rd. Division Band.  But still mail your letters to the same address.
     Thanks a lot mom for getting the Mandolin for me.  I hope I get it soon.  Thank Frank for signing for it.
     Ray gave Ben a dollar to send my radio out here please send it soon.  You might as well keep my car there until I can get home because I won't be needing it.  I wish Geo. could get a cheap body for about $10.00 and put it on.  I will pay him back.  Anything but a Tudor.  

                                    Write soon.                         
                                      All my love                       

Fort Lewis, Wa. Oct 6, 1939

Fort Lewis, Wa.
Oct. 6. 1939

Dearest Mom,
     I am writing you this letter to ask you a favor.
     Will you go to Everett, or send somebody, I would rather you do it.  Jerry would have to go along, or Frank.  And get me a mandolin at Wards?  They would probably have to send away for it.  You could probably get one for $6.00.  Get the cheapest one you can get.  I would like to practice up on it.  You could put it on my bill.  It is only about $4.00 now isn't it?  Have them send it to Fort Lewis from Portland.  Would you do that please?  I think the payments would be the same.  In my spare time (and I have lots of it) I could practice on it with Ray on the guitar.  I know you think that I just make more bills and bills but I do so want one mom.  And be sure and include the pick.  Would you do that as soon as possible?  I would like to  have it as soon as I could get it.  Thanks mom.


P.S. There isn't a thing doing as usual.  We played for a wedding today.

                                                   Write soon,

Ray says hello and sends all his love to you all.

Fort Lewis, Wa. Sept. 28, 1939

Fort Lewis, Wa.
Sept. 28, 1939

Dearest Mom, Dad, and All,
     Ray and I don't have to stay on the post for three months, we can leave if we get a pass.  We probably won't be able to get one for a month or so.
     It is to bad that dad and George (his brother) had so much trouble with their cars.  I won't be needing my car for awhile now, and if George wants to come down here and get it he is welcome to it.
     I got a letter from Georgia Mae Scales (my mom) today and she and her mother want you and I to come out there in May.  If I can save up enough money and my car is in good enough shape I hope we can go.
     If George does came and get my car, maybe he can find a good coupe body and put it on in his spare time.  I will pay him what it cost for the body.  He aught to come down a week or more after payday.  I will have some money then.  We get paid on the 30th.
     It sure is dead around here, there isn't a thing going on now.
     Ray and I, and two other fellows in the band moved up stairs in the empty squad room. There are only four of us   in the whole works.  It sure is swell, at least we have a little privacy. 

                       Take care of yourself mom
                       I'll see you in about a month. 
                       Write soon.